Handy Editorials: Freelance Proofreading and Editing services

Media Tips: Language in the Media. Edit it. Proofread it!

Proofreading the Real World

Always Check What You Are Saying!

A look at examples of mistakes which SHOULD have been avoided by a simple check!
Send in your pictures to claire@handyeditorials.co.uk

Two boxes for £8 or £3 each.
WH Smiths offers us a (not-so) great deal!

Cotwsold Airport
Getting lost around Cirencester, trying to find Cotswald airport.

The BBC's new spelling for the largest country in the UK: Engalnd.
Nice to see the BBC use Spellcheck when reporting on the Commonwealth Games!

School TWO easy for kids.
Well schools may be too easy for children, but obviously wasn't easy enough for the NBC staff!

What is in HandyTips? Advice for writers on writing, editing and proofreading

Writing Tips: Tips to help you write your document. Edit it. Proofread it!
Advice and information on writing documents. Tips to help you communicate whatever it is that you need to say.
Mastering Your Masters
Writing for Business

Language Tips: Tips to help you with English. Edit it. Proofread it!
Fun facts and things to know about the English Language. From grammar and punctuation, to where words came from and how they are used.
Saying What You See
How to Write Good Grammar

In the Media: Language in the Media. Edit it. Proofread it!
What is being said about what you are saying and how you are saying it. Language in the media.
The The Impotence Of Proofreading
I Love You, Period
George Carlin: Words

Use and Abuse: Where we go wrong. Edit it. Proofread it!
Use and abuse of the English language. Is it right, wrong, or just quirky?
Proofreading the Real World: July
Proofreading the Real World: August

Tips of the trade: What do Editors and Proofreaders do?
Tips of the Trade: Inside info on proofreading, editing and publishing
What Is Proofreading?